Keeping Up with Hair Seasons

Keeping Up with Hair Seasons

Summer is the best time to update your look. Be sure to choose a style that can make you feel and look your best, most especially during those busy months. Fortunately, you don’t need to make some dramatic changes. An easier way of changing your style is to make some...

How To Style Your Beard

Are you growing out a beard and trying to decide what its final form should be? Do you have a giant, unkempt growth of facial hair that you want to tame a bit? Then keep reading to learn about a few of the many, many, many ways to style your beard. If you want...

Optimizing the Look of Your Hair

Maintaining your luscious locks is a full-time job! There is a lot that goes into your hair care routine. Hair must be brushed, washed, and cut frequently to maintain its beautiful look and health. However, many people are left confused as to how often they should...

How to Keep Up With Your Beard

Maintaining your beard is as easy as tossing your razor aside and letting your facial hair do its thing, right? If you want a tangled mess that looks like it hasn’t been touched in months (because it hasn’t!), sure. But if you want a nicely trimmed beard that frames...