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Our hair is as unique as the people who wear it. From straight and curly to wavy and coiled, hair comes in different densities, patterns, and textures.

Proper hair care can improve the natural beauty of your hair while ensuring its health but first, you must know your hair type. In this guide, we are going to explore the different hair types, learn how to know your own type of hair, and give you some hair care tips that suit your unique needs.

There are different factors to consider when understanding your hair type. These factors include the diameter of your hair, your hair density, and even the porosity that affects its capability to absorb and maintain moisture.

All these things can greatly affect the look and feel of your hair and hair type. Furthermore, when it comes to the products that you can use for styling your hair, it is best to base its according to the pattern of your strands.

You might be wondering what the big deal is. Why is it important that you know your hair type? Does it matter? How essential are shampoo and conditioner? Can a particular styling product make a big difference when styling your hair?

The answer to all these questions is yes. It is crucial that you are aware of what your hair type is so that you can have a better understanding of the best products that can support the pattern of your unique hair, making it look its best. Fortunately, there is an easy way of figuring it out. All you must do is examine your hair strands closely.

What Are the Different Hair Types?

The hair typing system refers to the classification system used for identifying hair based on its thickness, pattern, and texture. The most well-known hair typing system was created by hairstylist Andre Walker.

In this system, the hair is classified into four major categories, which are wavy, straight, coily, and curly. It also comes with subcategories depending on the tightness and pattern of the hair.

Now, let’s try identifying your hair type. Try to check your hair strand and figure out what is your hair type. To determine your hair type, start with the tilt of your hair follicle and observe how it grows into the scalp.

Straight Hair – You have straight hair if you don’t have any natural curl. Whether it is coarse or fine or coarse if it does not bend all through the hair strand. The main characteristics of this hair type are that it does not have a defined curl pattern and it features a sleek and smooth appearance.

Wavy Hair – Wavy hair is characterized by a wave, slight bend, or loose features throughout the hair strand. Wavy hair is a category that falls between curly and straight. If you can observe a loose “S” shape in your hair, then you have wavy hair. Wavy hair can vary greatly from light waves to more obvious waves.

Curly Hair – There are loose loops in curly hair that form an “S” pattern, which can be observed throughout the hair strand. As the name suggests, curly hair is characterized by its unique curls or ringlets. The tightness of these curls can vary from loose ones to intense corkscrew-like curls.

Coily Hair – Throughout the strand, you can observe tighter, intense curls that form an “S” shape. The curly pattern in coily hair is so tight that it can even be wrapped around a pencil. The coily hair type is highly distinguished by its tight curls which can greatly vary from tightly coiled curls to thickly packed coils. Most often, it is accompanied by too much shrinkage, making longer hair look shorter.

Understanding Your Hair Type

Recognizing your hair type is important when it comes to choosing the appropriate products and techniques for improving its natural beauty and promoting its health.

If you want to know your hair type, then you can begin by observing your hair once it is cleaned, dried, and all the styling products have been removed. Be sure to consider the density, texture, and curl pattern of your hair.

Tips for Grooming and Styling Your Hair Type

By identifying your hair type, you can get the chance to customize your hair care routine according to its unique requirements. Different hair types have different needs. In addition, it has diverse reactions to certain products.

The most suitable products for your hair type can provide optimal performance to your hairstyle. Additionally, it can make your hair look and feel at its best. The following are some general hair care tips for different hair types:

Straight Hair – Straight hair could get oily at times and could weigh down, so the key is using the right product. To help in removing the oil, you can use texture powders and dry shampoos. Using these products can give your hair a boost. Choose a good shampoo that you can use daily to prevent weighing your hair down.

Additionally, using dry shampoo can give it a boost. Never used any intense, oil-based products. As much as possible, select lightweight shampoos and conditioners since these will not weigh down your hair. When using hot tools in styling your hair, be sure to use heat protection.

Wavy Hair – Avoid using products that are too extreme. Choose a product that can define your curl rather than flattening or straightening it. Use a product that can add moisture to your hair to maintain the curls.

Using a daily conditioner can help in keeping the moisture locked in. If you have wavy hair, then you should take advantage of products that can define and enhance your natural waves.

To promote the waves, you could apply a spray or curl-enhancing mousse to your hair while it is still damp. You should never brush your hair when it has dried up to avoid any frizz.

Curly Hair – Keep in mind that the more you brush your hair, the more it gets frizzy. Be sure to use a product that can retain moisture since insufficient moisture can be a great challenge. Choose a shampoo and scalp treatment that is excellent in keeping the curls while helping you prevent frizzy hair.

Moisture can also help in maintaining its bounce. It is recommended that you should look for sulfate-free shampoos. Also, try to deeply condition your hair regularly. Applying curl cream or leave-in conditioner can help in keeping your curls hydrated and more defined.

Coily Hair – Just like curly hair, coily hair also requires some moisture. Avoid any oily products and focus more on masques or deep conditioners. Choose the right shampoo and conditioner that can retain moisture in your hair. To maintain the moisture level of your hair, use scalp treatment and deep conditioner a few times a week.

Because of its natural structure, heavy moisture is required. That is why it is essential that you should use rich, hydrating products and use conditioners for cleansing. Use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb in detangling your hair.


Determining your hair type is an essential step in nurturing your hair and improving its natural beauty. Every hair type is unique and comes with its unique requirements and challenges.

By customizing your hair care routine, you can discover the full potential of your locks. Whether you have wavy, straight, coily, or curly hair, it is important that you must embrace it potential and uniqueness. Using a personalized approach to caring for your hair can help in making it look and feel great.

Neighborhood Cut & Shave offers haircuts, shaving, beard trimming, and many more. For your questions or if you want to book an appointment, you can contact us at (212) 929-5555.